The present paper deals with the description of a new species, under the genus Tetragonocephalum , Shipley et Hornell, 1905,as Tetragonocephalum sepheni n.sp. which is having scolex divided into two regions anterior & posterior. Anterior region is quadrangular & posterior region is oval having suckers. Short neck & cylindrical shape. Mature segments longer than broad. Testes are oval to round & are pre-ovarian distributed in two fields. The cirrus pouch is oval in shape & it is thin ciliated. The genital pore is marginal. Ovary is large, compact & it is in the form of ‘U’ shape. The vagina is slight curved, ootype is small, oval in shape; receptaculum seminilis is present. The gravid segment, uterus is large saccular & occupied by numerous eggs; vitellaria are granular corticular, thin strips.