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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2013, Vol. 1, Issue 4
Molecular detection of Wolbachia and phage WO infection in Spodoptera litura. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)

Sumithra 1, N. M. Guruprasad 2 and H.P.Puttaraju

In nature the kind of association that we observe frequently between the eukaryotes and microorganisms is symbiotic, and range along the continuum between parasitism and mutualism. The genus Wolbachia contains well-known intracellular bacteria of arthropods that induce several reproductive phenotypes that benefit the transmission of the bacteria. While this process is facilitated by features of Wolbachia, particularly their ability to cause cytoplasmic incompatibility, blocking Wolbachia may produce deleterious effects, such as reduced host viability or fecundity, that inhibit successful local introductions and subsequent spatial spread, parthenogenesis, feminization, male killing and many other reproductive manipulations. The present study using PCR technology based on Wolbachia specific amplification of the ftsZ A and ftsZ B supergroup and phage WO specific amplification of orf2 and orf7 gene fragments not only confirms the presence of B supergroup Wolbachia but also reveals the presence of Wolbachia infected with phages WO in Spodoptera litura. Further, we constructed the molecular phylogeny of Wolbachia ftsZ B strain.Thereby this result creates possible implications of cytoplasmic bacteria Wolbachia and phage WO infection for the management Spodoptera litura a serious menace of agricultural crops.
PCR amplification of Wolbachia and phage WO in Spodoptera litura. Lane M is marker 1 to 5 is PCR amplification of specific gene. A. Wolbachia fts Z B strain amplification. B. Phage WO amplification by using orf-2 primer C. Phage WO amplification by using orf-7 primer
Fig. 1: PCR amplification of Wolbachia and phage WO in Spodoptera litura. Lane M is marker 1 to 5 is PCR amplification of specific gene. A. Wolbachia fts Z B strain amplification. B. Phage WO amplification by using orf-2 primer C. Phage WO amplification by using orf-7 primer
Pages : 54-57 | 2230 Views | 162 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Sumithra 1, N. M. Guruprasad 2, H.P.Puttaraju. Molecular detection of Wolbachia and phage WO infection in Spodoptera litura. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). J Entomol Zool Stud 2013;1(4):54-57.

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