Abundance of Rats and Mice in the selected areas of Dhaka city: a cross sectional study
Md. Rokunuzzaman, Roisun Nessa, Noor Jahan Sarker
The study on pattern of abundance and movement of rats and mice was done in two rice godowns; Azad vander and Raj Rice Agencies; of Badamtali, Dhaka. The study was carried out for 8 months, from April to November in the year 2010. The total study area of godown was 5000sq ft. The area was divided into five blocks. Ten snap traps were placed randomly in the blocks. Traps were placed six times in a month. Total trap placement was 480 and the trapping success was 46.46%. Both the godown stored about 12 kinds of rice and rice was available throughout the year. There were no special preferences observed for any especial kind of rice. Three species of rats and mice were trapped from the study area which were Lesser Bandicoot Rat (Bandicota bengalensis), House Rat (Rattus rattus) and House Mouse (Mus musculus). The total number of individual trapped were 223 of which Bandicota bengalensis was 79.82%, Mus musculus was 13.04% and Rattus rattus was 7.17%. Among 223 individuals male was 61.43% and the female was 38.57%. In case of Bandicota bengalensis male was 54.49% and female was 45.51%. In case of Mus musculus male was 65.52% and female was 34.48%. The sex ratio was 1.59:1. The average litter size in Bandicota bengalensis was 5.83, in Mus musculus was 5.20 and in Rattus rattus was 6.5.
Md. Rokunuzzaman, Roisun Nessa, Noor Jahan Sarker . Abundance of Rats and Mice in the selected areas of Dhaka city: a cross sectional study. J Entomol Zool Stud 2013;1(5):116-119.