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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2014, Vol. 2, Issue 1
Characteristics of butterfly (Lepidoptera) fauna from Kabal, Swat, Pakistan

Farzana Perveen*, Anzela Khan, Sikander

The beautiful creature of nature, butterflies (Lepidoptera) have great aesthetic and commercial values as they are beneficial as pollinator and environmental indicator. The present survey was conducted to determine the haracteristics of butterfly fauna from Kabal, Swat, Pakistan during March-June 2013. The study area was divided into 4 quadrates. A total of 170 specimens were collected 13 species, falling in 10 genera and were identified elonging o 3 different families. The species identified, the Indian fritillary (Argynnis hyperbius) (Linnaeus, 1763) (female and male); painted lady (Cynthia cardui) (Linnaeus, 1758); blue pansy (Junonia orithya) Linnaeus, 1758; plain tiger Danaus chrysippus) (Linnaeus, 1758); common leopard (Phalantha phalantha) (Drury, 1773) and common sailor butterfly (Neptis hylas) (Linnaeus, 1758) were belonging to family Nymphalidae. The great black mormon (Papilio emnon) Linnaeus, 1758; Chinese peacock black swallowtail emerald (Papilio bianor) Cramer, 1777; dingy swallowtail (Papilio anactus) Macleay, 1826 and lime butterfly (Papilio demoleus) Linnaeus, 1758 were belonging to family apilionidae. The common grass yellow (Eumera hecab) (Linnaeus, 1758); little orange tip (Coloti etrida) (Boisduval, 1836) and Murree green-veined white (Pieris ajaka) Moore 1865 were belonging to family Pieridae. The characteristics of butterfly fauna from Kabal are helpful in awareness, education and further research. A detail study is required for further exploration of butterflies’ fauna of Kabal.
Pages : 56-59 | 3343 Views | 1462 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Farzana Perveen*, Anzela Khan, Sikander. Characteristics of butterfly (Lepidoptera) fauna from Kabal, Swat, Pakistan. J Entomol Zool Stud 2014;2(1):56-59.

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