Pollination Biology of criticallyendangered Leucas sivadasaniana
Prasad. E. R. and Sunojkumar P.
Pollination studies on criticallyendaged Leucas sivadasaniana. The L. sivadasaniana is endemic to southern Western Ghat, from a population of less than 100 plants known from a single locality in the Kudachadri Hills of Udupi District in Karnataka. Detailed studies were carried out on the Phenology, floral biology, pollination and breeding system of L. sivadasaniana. The flowering starts in January and ends in March. The pollen grains were. The size of the pollen (spherical and tricolpate) is 31.80±0 and 85% of pollen viable at 12 am. The stigma is dry type and receptive between 9-10.00hrs pm. In the open pollination in natural conditions resulted in 15% fruit set and self-pollination resulted 0% fruit set But manual pollinations using pollen from other flowers of the same plant resulted in 30% fruit set and manual cross pollinations using pollen from flowers of different plant resulted in 65% fruit set. The percentage of fruit set was lower in natural conditions and higher in manual pollination. The higher altitude; fragmented population also limited distribution of species in the wild. Flowers were visited by several insects and butterflies. The potential pollinators were identified asMacroglossum lepidum, Apis cerana and Apis sp.