Taxon diversity of butterflies in different habitat types in Royal Manas National Park
Tshering Nidup, Tshering Dorji, Ugyen Tshering
This study was carried out in Manas range of Royal Manas National Park for the period of three months in 2014. The aim of this research was to study taxon diversity of butterflies. The modified line transect of 1000 meters with five meters width on either side was used to record the butterfly communities. During the study 91 species belonging to five major families were recorded of which one species was new record for Bhutan. Nymphalidae was the most common (33%, n = 30), and the lowest was Hesperidae (12%, n = 11). Shannon’s diversity index (Hʹ = 3.162) and Pielou’s evenness index (Jʹ = 0.85) indicated high butterfly diversity and Margalef’s richness index (Dmg = 45.97) indicated rich species diversity in the study area. Study area hosts a unique diversity of butterflies, therefore underlining the importance for maintaining biodiversity within and outside the park area as a landscape conservation programme.
Tshering Nidup, Tshering Dorji, Ugyen Tshering. Taxon diversity of butterflies in different habitat types in Royal Manas National Park. J Entomol Zool Stud 2014;2(6):292-298.