Laying period and biomarkers of the polychaete Perinereis cultrifera from the eastern coast of Algeria subjected to marine pollution
Meriem Snani, Zoubeida Meghlaoui, Ouided Maamcha, Tarek Daas, Patrick Scaps
Seasonal changes in oocyte diameter and pollution biomarkers of the Polychaete Perinereis cultrifera (Nereididae, Polychaeta) were studied during twelve months from January to December 2012 in the east coast of Algeria. The samples were collected monthly at three sites: El-kala, a site far from any source of pollution, Annaba and Skikda, sites located near human and industrial wastes. The oocytes took away females are measured and the biomarkers selected during this study were the activities of acetylcholinesterase as neurotoxicity marker and glutathione S-transferase as phase II enzyme. The results show differences between sites compared with the reference samples the period of reproduction unroll in spring (April, May). This approach confirms that individuals from Skikda and Annaba have been submitted to highly polluted environment. Individuals collected from Skikda showed the highest reduction of diameter oocyte as well as the highest inhibition or induction of enzyme activities indicating a highly contamination status.
Meriem Snani, Zoubeida Meghlaoui, Ouided Maamcha, Tarek Daas, Patrick Scaps. Laying period and biomarkers of the polychaete Perinereis cultrifera from the eastern coast of Algeria subjected to marine pollution. J Entomol Zool Stud 2015;3(3):249-254.