Relative preference of wood by Polistes flavus L. for Nest building
Shahmshad A. Khan, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel, Mushtaq Ahmad, Muhammad Munawar idris
Wasps are distributed throughout the world, but in tropical regions great diversity of wasps is exist. Yellow paper wasps are common social wasp present in houses or near the houses. Wasps build the nests in hollow trees, in barns, sheds and hollow areas of the house walls. Yellow paper wasps especially build their nests in homes and sting very badly on disturbing. In present study five different species of woody trees were selected to test the preference of wood against Polistes flavus. Polistes flavus was attracted towards the different types of wood for nest building. Results showed that Populus deltoid was the most attractive and Dilbergia sisso was least attractive for the Polistes flavus. So output of this study will be provided clear message to wood user in homes for building Populus deltoid shall be avoided especially in houses.
Shahmshad A. Khan, Muhammad Anjum Aqueel, Mushtaq Ahmad, Muhammad Munawar idris. Relative preference of wood by Polistes flavus L. for Nest building. J Entomol Zool Stud 2015;3(3):408-410.