Surveillance on Malaria and Dengue Vectors Fauna across in Angul District Of Odisha, India: An Approach to Determine Their Diversity and Abundance, Correlation with the Ecosystem
M Rajesh Kumar Rao, Rabindra N Padhy, Manoj Kumar Das
Frequently morbidity and mortality was caused due to dengue and malaria in Angul district of Odisha, India. The study was designed to perceive the mosquito fauna across the Angul district to generate information on the diversity and abundance of mosquitoes, correlation with the ecosystem. This study highlighted that, ten species of Anopheline and three species of Aedine were conquered across the Angul district. Anophelines coincided mainly with the monsoon; whereas, Aedines coincided mainly during the lateral of the monsoon and initial of the post-monsoon. Climatic and ecological changes are the major factors favored mass breeding and propagation of theses vectors and transmission of the infection around the year; suggest that, the Angul district of Odisha was becoming a hyper-endemic province in India for both dengue and malaria infection. Therefore, the vector control strategies in the district should target these thirteen species to control any epidemic/outbreak in the future.
M Rajesh Kumar Rao, Rabindra N Padhy, Manoj Kumar Das. Surveillance on Malaria and Dengue Vectors Fauna across in Angul District Of Odisha, India: An Approach to Determine Their Diversity and Abundance, Correlation with the Ecosystem. J Entomol Zool Stud 2015;3(5):459-469.