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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2015, Vol. 3, Issue 6
Study of Fenugreek seed (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L) extract effect on cerebrum malformation in 18 and 20 days old fetus of diabetic rats

Ebrahim Tavakol koukhda, Zabihollah Khaksar

It has been proven that Trigonellafoenum-graecum Lace has hypoglycemic effects. This study investigated the effect of Trigonellafoenum-graecum L ethanolic extraction Cerebrum in 18 and 20days old fetus of diabetic mother. rnIn 2014, sixteen healthy female rats were divided into four groups (normal control, diabetic control, control Fenugreek seed and Fenugreek seed treatment). Diabetes was induced in four groups by Streptozotocin (50mg/kg/IP) and mating by male rat and vaginal plaque mentioned as a positive sign of pregnancy. After 18 and 20days rats were scarified and their fetuses were removed, their birth weight was recorded and Cerebrum simples were taken and fixed. Tissue sections were prepared by routine procedures and different histological parameters were examined. The results show that in ratby18 days the number of cells in the white matter(1678/19 ± 182/2),the number of cells of gray matter(12014/45 ± 110/62) and the thickness of gray matter, white matter(2/14± / 27) and in ratby20 days the number of cells in the white matter(9871/71 ± 336/48),the number of cells of gray matter(22203/52 ± 728/41) and the thickness of gray matter, white matter(1.43 ± 0/03) in experimental group C has significant decrease, than experimental group A. The present study demonstrates that alcoholic extract of Fenugreek seed possesses significant antihyperglycemic properties, thus suggesting its beneficial effect in the treatment of maternal diabetes.
Pages : 40-45 | 2016 Views | 211 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Ebrahim Tavakol koukhda, Zabihollah Khaksar. Study of Fenugreek seed (Trigonellafoenum-graecum L) extract effect on cerebrum malformation in 18 and 20 days old fetus of diabetic rats. J Entomol Zool Stud 2015;3(6):40-45.

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