Seasonal variation of stylopization on white leafhopper Cofana spectra (Distant) (Homoptera: Cicadellidae) by Halictophagus australensis Perkins (Strepsiptera: Halictophagidae)
Sukhendu Roy, Niladri Hazra
White leafhopper Cofanarnspectra (Distant) is considered as a minor pest of paddy in West Bengal. C.rnspectra is an established host of obligate endoparasitoid StrepsipterarnHalictophagus australensis Perkins. The sampling for seasonal variation ofrnboth parasitized and non-parasitized C. spectrawas carried outrn12 days per month for the period between March 2014 and February 2015.rnStylopization of C. Spectra by H. australensis Perkins wasrnrecorded from 1 to 15 % with seasonal variation. In post monsoon season higherrnpercentage of parasitic infection was encountered relative to pre monsoon andrnmonsoon seasons. Although percentage of stylopization varied with the relativernabundance of C. spectra, ecological factors viz. temperature andrnrelative humidity were found to augment it in optimum environmental conditions.rnBoth the environmental factors have a negative correlation with the percentagernof parasitization. The effect of parasitization on C. spectra by the H.rnaustralensis may be one of the factors employed for the bio-control of thernhost population.