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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2016, Vol. 4, Issue 2
Effects ofrnTemperature and Host-Plant Variability on Bemisia Tabaci (Homoptera,rnAleyrodidae) Biology

Ali Ben Belgacem, Mohamed Sadok Bel-Kadhi, Refki Ettaieb

This work aimed tornevaluate Bemisia tabaci biological response to host- plants (Cucumisrnmelo L (Cucurbitaceae), Solanum melongum Miller (Solanaceae),rnor Helianthus annus L. (Asteraceae)) variation under geothermalrngreenhouse. For this purpose, three serial experiments had been carried out:rntwo ex-situ experiments (at laboratory conditions) that investigate therneffects of temperature variation (22 and 32 °C) on B. tabaci bioticrnpotential. The third, in-situ experiment (under geothermal greenhouse),rnit was used to determine the effects of host plants on B. tabaci bioticrnand reproductive responses. A total of 90 B. tabaci adult couples werernused and equally randomized between all experiments. Our results showed B.rntabaci (biotype B) biology is affected by both temperature and by the hostrnplants used. Under greenhouse, hosting to H. annus unexpectedlyrndecreased the females longevity (4,3±2.3 days) and the pre-ovipositionrn(0.66±0.57 days), oviposition (3±2.64 days) and laying arrest (00±00 days) periods,rnwhen compared to C. melo (8.4±3.5, 0.80±0.83, 6±3.7 and 0.8±1.3;rnrespectively) and S. melongum (8.8±5.4, 1.83±1.72, 6.16±4.35 and 0±0;rnrespectively). It is concluded that geothermal greenhouse conditionsrninfluence the whitefly biology; which is a fact that should be considered inrnpest management programs.
Pages : 86-90 | 1969 Views | 189 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Ali Ben Belgacem, Mohamed Sadok Bel-Kadhi, Refki Ettaieb. Effects ofrnTemperature and Host-Plant Variability on Bemisia Tabaci (Homoptera,rnAleyrodidae) Biology. J Entomol Zool Stud 2016;4(2):86-90.

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