Length-weight relationship and condition factor of therncritically endangered ï¬sh ofGeso,Hemibagrus wyckii (Bleeker, 1858) bagridaernfrom Kampar Kanan River, Indonesia
Netti Aryani, Indra Suharman, Saberina Hasibuan
The studies onrnlength-weight relationships (LWR) and condition factors (K) of Geso (Hemibagrusrnwyckii, Bleeker, 1858, Bagridae) in Kampar Kanan River, Riau, Indonesia wasrnconducted from February to September 2015. A total of 99 specimens wererncollected from different sample stations using different types of trapsnets andrnfishing pole. The pooled length–weight regression equation (Log W =rn-6.1510+3.4536 TL, r = 0.936), and also the length-weight equations of males,rnfemales and juveniles (Log W = -4.2274+2.6646 log TL (r=0.94), Log W = -3.4342rn+ 2.4225 log TL (r = 0.931) and Log W = -2.1968 + 3.0405 log TL (r = 0.913)rnrespectively), indicate positive correlation between length and weight in H.wyckii.rnThe mean values condition factor were ranged from 0.692±0.06 to 2.496±0.29, variationsrnin the condition factor were found to be influenced by the gonadal maturity andrnspawning season.