Since January 2014, the healthrndepartment of Kolkata Municipal Corporation [KMC] has been collectingrndengue-reports from different non-KMC health set-ups [commercial pathologicalrnlaboratories, hospitals, polyclinics and nursing homes] located in the KMC arearnby sending its 144 personnel called morning data collectors. The effort hasrnyielded commendable results. During January 2014 to December 2015, as many asrn1157 dengue cases diagnosed at different non-KMC health set-ups, which wouldrnotherwise have gone unrecorded, came to surface. Besides, the initiative has helpedrnthe department undertake prompt measures for prevention of dengue. Other citiesrnaround India, which still depend on digital receipt of reports from differentrnnon-government diagnostic clinics, can replicate this unique denguernsurveillance system to stop underreporting of dengue cases.