Report of Epizootic Cirripede, Conchoderma Virgatum (Spengler, 1790) on Pennella instructa (Wilson, 1917) parasitic on Indo-Pacific Sailfish Istiophorus platypterus caught from Andaman Sea
Pradeep HD, Swapnil S Shirke and S Monalisha Devi
This paper reports on the occurrence of Conchoderma virgatum on Pennella instructa parasitised on Istiophorus platypterus from the Andaman Sea. This is a new locality record which confirms the range extension of the species to south-east Bay of Bengal. All four parasite specimens were collected, two specimens each from either side of the dorsal fish base of a male Indo-Pacific sailfish, Istiophorus platypterus. The fish was caught by the multifilament tuna longliner vessel MFV Blue Marlin during February’ 2016 voyage in the area Lat.12° 18' N and Long. 093° 25' E at a depth of 1748m. Among four P. instructa specimens, one was hosting the striped goose barnacle Conchoderma virgatum. In this paper the parasite specimens are described and their occurrence in Andaman and Nicobar waters of the Andaman Sea is documented for the first time.