Breeding biology of the black kite Milvus migrans (Accipitridae) at Ras El Ma ravine (Guelma, northeast Algeria)
Okba Boumaaza, Mouslim Bara, Mohamed Dhaya El-Hak Khemis, Kheireddine Boucherit, Ali Elafri, Zihad Bouslama and Moussa Houhamdi
The Black Kite Milvus migrans is a common species in northeast of Algeria. Data on the breeding ecology and biology of this bird was well collected all over the world, but in Algeria the population of Black kite are still not known. This study was carried out during 2015 at Ras El Ma ravine (Guelma, northeast of Algeria) in order to characterize the phenology and biology of the breeding of this raptor. The breeding population of black kite was present from March to September with a peak of 28 individual noted at the first week of August. The egg-laying started from April. 36 nests of black kite were surveyed during the breeding season. The first chick had fledged from July 16th. A total of 15 eggs were measured during our study the mean egg length, breadth, weight and volume were 55 ± 2.33 mm, 43 ± 2.11 mm, 103.66 ± 1.2 g, 51.76 ± 1.2 cm3 respectively. The clutch size of the black kite varied between 1 and 3 eggs.