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Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
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P-ISSN: 2349-6800, E-ISSN: 2320-7078

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies

2016, Vol. 4, Issue 6
Carbon stock Assesment of moist temperate forest Yakhtangay district Shangla and its effect on insect infestations

Adnan Iqbal and Ahmad Hussain

The amassing of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the climate is growing because of different human activities. Forest act as a carbon sink. It was accompanied by a recent study in Shangla district located in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province at 340-31ʹ to 330-08ʹ North latitude and 720-33ʹ to 730-01ʹ East longitude. Yakhtangay is placed 28 km away from the top Shangla at an elevation of 6000 feet above sea level. Various analytical and statistical methods were utilized to find carbon stock, biomass and soil organic carbon. The result and outcomes were further analyzed by Statistical indicators such as means, co-efficient of variance (%CV), and standard deviation (SD) was used for determination of existence biomass in high and beneath growing stock at every plot stage. Statistical software such as Sigma Plot version 10 will be utilized for arrangement of consequences by graphs and figures. The results showed that Pinus wallichiana mean trunk density was 404 ± 4.7 trees ha-1. The stem density moderation for Abies pindrow 160 ± 4.32 trees ha-1. Pinus wallichiana mean basal area was 1.493497 ± 0.28 m2ha-1. Abies pindrow in basal area extends to 1.680068-0.50672 m2ha-1 with the basal area mean of 1.5140 ± 0.39 m2ha-1. The Pinus wallichiana mean height tree 24.76471 ± 2.48 m. The stem volume of Pinus wallichiana was found maximum 154.16 ± 0.512 m3ha-1 while was determined in the basal area of 18.17 m2ha-1 stem minimum in Abies pindrow 0.6822 ± size 0.04 m3ha-1 at basal area 0.30672 m2ha-1. In Pinus wallichiana the average stem biomass 78.51912 ± 2.03 (t ha-1) in the basal area of 18.17 ± 0.8. The average total biomass in the most extreme Pinus wallichiana 159.26 ± 1.78 t ha-1 and was less biomass 0.76 ± 0.86 tons per hectares in Abies pindrow. The carbon stocks in forests account as considered, TCS (t ha-1) = (AGB+BGB+UVB) ×0.5 Total organic matter (%), and bulk density of the soil and the depth of the horizon g / cm3. The research investigations were carried out on major forest species such as Pinus wallichiana and Abies pindrow. The objectives were determine to estimate biomass, carbon stocks of the study area. The data revealed that increasing stock of carbon has negative effect on controlling infestation and vice versa.
Pages : 760-767 | 1704 Views | 136 Downloads

Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies
How to cite this article:
Adnan Iqbal, Ahmad Hussain. Carbon stock Assesment of moist temperate forest Yakhtangay district Shangla and its effect on insect infestations. J Entomol Zool Stud 2016;4(6):760-767.

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