Intra-specific and inter-generic phylogenetic relationships in endangered catfish (Clupisoma garua and Eutropiichthys vacha) of family schilbeidae
Jyoti Verma and M Serajuddin
The present study was designed to evaluate the patterns of intra and inter-specific genetic variations and phylogenetic relationship using RAPD-PCR technique in two endangered catfish, Clupisoma garua and Eutropiichthys vacha collected from different rivers characterized by different environmental conditions. The number of RAPD bands found to be less in C. garua as compared to E. vacha. RAPD markers showed a high percentage of polymorphic bands among and between all analyzed individuals of fish than monomorphic. The phylogenetic tree generated on the basis of the distance matrix, images of RAPD gel and ladder indicated intra-specific variations among the various samples in E. vacha and C. garua of schilbeidae in the present study. Interestingly the degree of conservation in E. vacha and C. garua was found to be less between the samples of same species of the same geographical region or same river but the strong relationship was noted between the samples of different rivers.
Jyoti Verma, M Serajuddin. Intra-specific and inter-generic phylogenetic relationships in endangered catfish (Clupisoma garua and Eutropiichthys vacha) of family schilbeidae. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(1):198-202.