Influence of single booster dose of botanical based and synthetic antiscorbutic factor on larval growth and silk gland tissue somatic index of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L
Aabid Khaliq Tantray
Two commercial silkworm hybrids viz., CSR2 x CSR4 and PM x CSR2 were used for the larval growth pattern and silk gland tissue somatic index study after dietary supplementation of botanical based and synthetic ascorbic acid. Marked influence on the larval growth rate pattern and silk gland tissue somatic index was observed by supplementing the newly ecdysed 5th instar larvae with a single booster dose of both the ascorbic acid sources. The treatments induced significant change in 5th instar silk gland weight than in larval weight. The 5th instar larval weight increased only to the tone of 4.7- 9.86% in both the hybrids (CSR2 x CSR4 and PM x CSR2) whereas, the daily silk gland weight and tissue somatic indices of the hybrids increased significantly from 19.74 to 23.96% and 9.59 to 12.75% respectively, giving an impression that the ascorbic acid exerts its impact more on silk gland than the whole larval body.
Aabid Khaliq Tantray. Influence of single booster dose of botanical based and synthetic antiscorbutic factor on larval growth and silk gland tissue somatic index of the silkworm, Bombyx mori L. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(1):212-216.