Life history of mango twig borer, Callimetopus capito (Pascoe) Coleoptera, Cerambycidae
Adoro L, Domingo F, Baysa J, Dela Cruz B, Dacayo N, Garcia S, Farin E, Roxas A and Lutap L
Mango twig borer (Callimetopus capito) completed its life cycle from 135 to 245 days. Eggs were cucumber shaped, shiny, off-white in color, with an average length of 3.7 mm and a diameter of 1.33 mm. Larvae had developmental period of 145-221 days with seven larval instars. The pupal stage ranged from 10-17 days. The average length and width of pupae were 1.87 cm and 0.51 cm, respectively. Adults appeared light in color when newly emerged but turned to dark brownish grey within a day.
Eggs were laid singly or in mass inserted beneath the young bark. A maximum of 31 eggs were laid throughout the female’s life cycle. Larvae fed first on the bark, making narrow channels 12-61 days after hatching. The length of damaged twigs ranged from 13.5 cm to 52 cm and increased to about 90 cm when the larva was about to pupate.
Adoro L, Domingo F, Baysa J, Dela Cruz B, Dacayo N, Garcia S, Farin E, Roxas A, Lutap L. Life history of mango twig borer, Callimetopus capito (Pascoe) Coleoptera, Cerambycidae. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(1):488-492.