Changing scenario of short horned grasshopper diversity in agriculture and forest ecosystems in Dharwad
Raghavender B and Vastrad AS
In the present study diversity of short horned grasshoppers collected from agricultural and forest ecosystems of Dharwad during 2015-16 were compared with the recorded data of 1985-86. A total of 42 species belonging to 33 genera and 10 subfamilies of Acrididae and Pyrgomorphidae have been encountered both in agriculture and forest ecosystem during present study as against 48 species belonging to 41 genera and 12 subfamilies recorded during 1985-86. Species richness was more in 1985-86 in agriculture (42) and forest ecosystem (30) compared to 2015-16. Acrididae was more diverse than Pyrgomporphidae during both the years of study. Oedipodinae was the most species rich subfamily followed by Catantopinae in both agriculture and forest ecosystems during both years and Tropidopolinae was very rare during 2015-16, whereas Calliptaminaene and Truxalinae found during 1985-86 which were not encountered during the present study. Spathosternum prasiniferum (Walker) was the most abundant species in both ecosystems during present and past study.
Raghavender B, Vastrad AS. Changing scenario of short horned grasshopper diversity in agriculture and forest ecosystems in Dharwad. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(2):268-272.