Factors influencing the reproduction of the seven-spot Ladybird (Coccinella Septempunctata, Coleoptera: Coccinellidae)
Hasanova Sabina Shahruddin and Ahmadov BA
The paper presents the detailed information about behavoir of Coccinella septempunctata (C-7), existance of reproductive diapause, fertilisation, effect of number of aphids (Aphis gossypii Glov.) on reproductivity of C-7, response of larvae and adults of C-7 to number of pests, and causes of cannibalism. It was experimentally established that the absence of aphids in the diet of C-7 is the only factor inducing diapause (26-27 0C). At a temperature of 26-27 oC oviposition occurs continuously for 30-45 days, and then it is gradually weakened until the complete cessation. If beetles deny access to the aphids, they first eat the eggs laid by them, and then completely stop breeding.
The productivity of coccinellids was directly proportional to the number of aphids. The next year productivity of the C-7 actually depends on the weight of hibernating beetles and there was right proportional dependence between them.