Comparative biology of Helicoverpa armigera (HUBNER) reared on tomato during different seasons
Rabari GN, Pareek Abhishek and Patel BR
In present study, experiments on comparative biology of Helicoverpa armigera Hübner were conductedduring pre Rabi, Rabi and post Rabi seasons. Results showed that post Rabi season was most preferred where maximum length and breadth of eggs, larval instars, pre pupa, pupa and, adult male and female with minimum hatching period of eggs, duration of larval instars, pre pupa, pupa, adult longevity of H. armigera, were recorded. Rabi season was least preferred with minimum length and breadth and maximum duration of the eggs, larval instars, pre pupa, pupa and, adult male and female development. The pre-oviposition, oviposition and post-oviposition periods and mean fecundity were also recorded maximum during post Rabi season. and minimum during Rabi season. With maximum growth index (4.03), post Rabi season was most congenial period for the development, while Rabi season was least with minimum growth index (2.59).