Comparable study on different coloured sticky traps for catching of onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman
Maimom Soniya Devi and Kusal Roy
Preference of insects towards specific colour is a much known phenomenon. Most often yellow coloured sticky traps are used to trap aphids and whiteflies. Onion growers in particular face miserable problem of thrips infestation during winter months. There is virtually no effective alternative to tackle the menacing effects of thrips in onion crop. To understand the preference of colour by the onion thrips a study was conducted using different coloured traps (blue, white, yellow and fluorescent green). The blue coloured sticky trap attracted more number of thrips over the crop growth period than white, yellow and fluorescent green sticky traps. Blue coloured sticky trap also attracted comparatively less number of beneficial insects and can be used for relative estimate of T. tabaci population and also for monitoring and mass trapping as a component of IPM programme.
Maimom Soniya Devi, Kusal Roy. Comparable study on different coloured sticky traps for catching of onion thrips, Thrips tabaci Lindeman. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(2):669-671.