Preliminary investigations were carried out to ascertain the antibiosis mechanism of resistance through varietal preference of the pest as well as the relationship between the morphological features of the plant and intensity of mite infection at the CCS Haryana Agricultural University, Hisar. Lowest number of trichomes were recorded in highly susceptible genotype HBT-6-15-3-7 and highest were observed in least susceptible genotype HB-02-14-1-1. There was significant positive correlation between length of trichomes and number of eggs laid. Correlation of length of trichome with larval plus nymphal survival (r= 0.82) was positively significant. Shortest incubation period ( 4.57days), larval period (3.97 days), nymphal period (4.22 days), larval plus nymphal period (8.18 days) and total life period ( 17.85 days) was observed on least susceptible genotypes (HB-02-14-1-1 and HB-02-17-1). Shortest oviposition period was observed on HB-02-14-1-1(5.66 days) and longest on BB1 (8.61 days) and shortest longevity of female was found on okra genotype HB-02-14-1-1(8.28 days) and longest on HBT-6-15-3-7 (11.71days). Female to male ratio was found maximum on moderately susceptible genotype of okra namely HRB-107-4-1(4.3:1) and minimum on least susceptible genotypes HB-02-14-1-1(2.4:1).