Evaluation of pest management packages for their performance against major insect pests and predatory fauna of Okra in Gangetic alluvial plain of West Bengal
Debashis Roy and Pijush K Sarkar
The present investigation was carried out to study the field-effectiveness of different pest management modules (M-1: bio-intensive, M-2: farmers’ conventional package of practice, M-3: proposed IPM compatible bio-rational module and M-4: adaptable package of practice) against major insect pests of okra and their impact on prevailing natural enemies and crop yield during spring summer season of 2015 and 2016 (February-May). Mean percent reduction of leafhopper population over untreated control was highest in Module-3 (59.33%) followed by Module-4 (42.84%) while, in case of whitefly, Module-3 recorded lowest number of nymphs and adults (2.01/ leaf) followed by Module-2. Module-3 registered lowest mean population of Helicoverpa armigera (0.17 larvae/ plant) along with lowest mean fruit damage (3.22%) and highest yield (13.69 t/ ha). Highest mean number of Coccinellids and spiders were encountered in Module-3 (0.32 and 0.31 per plant respectively) also which can be an excellent option for sustainable management of major insect pests of okra.
Debashis Roy, Pijush K Sarkar. Evaluation of pest management packages for their performance against major insect pests and predatory fauna of Okra in Gangetic alluvial plain of West Bengal. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(2):831-837.