Study of the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferruginea) diurnal behavior in Chott El-Hodna (Central Hauts Plateaux of Algeria)
Choayb Bounab, Yacine Nouidjem, Ettayib Bensaci, El-Yamine Guergueb, Ali Chagra, Mouslim Bara, Abdelaziz Bouzegag, Mohamed Benyahia and Moussa Houhamdi
The ecological study of the Ruddy Shelduck (Tadorna ferrugina) was done during two consecutive years (2014/15 and 2015/16) in the main wetlands of the center Hauts Plateaux of Algeria: Chott El-Hodna (362.000 ha) and Chott Zahrez Chergui (50.985 ha). The maximum of effectives (1235 individuals) was recorded during January. These hidden water birds occupied the border and the small islands of these two Chott, assembled in little groups and rarely associated to other water birds. The diurnal time budget of this species in Chott El Hodna was dominated by the feeding (50.5%), followed by sleeping (20.5%), swimming (8%), preening (7%), courtship (4.1%), resting (4%), agonistic activity (3%), flight (1.5%) and locomotion (1%).