Diversity and ecology of coleoptera in India: A review
Trigunayat Kritika and Sharma Jaimala
India is very rich in terms of biological diversity due to its unique bio geographic location, diversified climatic conditions and enormous eco-diversity and geo-diversity. Based on the data currently collected from the experts of different animal groups, India holds about 6.90% of total number of species of the phylum Arthropoda. Out of this total number of species reported in class Insecta are 59,353 which are about 6.83% of the total number of species of insects found in the world (ENVIS Centre, Zoological Survey of India). Order Coleoptera (Gk. Coleos-sheath, ptera -wing) comprises of Beetles. It is the largest group of organisms at the order level and show exceptionally diverse adaptations to wide range of environmental conditions & habits. The research on coleopteran fauna plays an important role in understanding their role in terrestrial ecosystem as well as in various avian food chains along with soil, vegetation, anthropogenic activities and other biological indications. This review summarise the status, diversity and ecological significance of Coleopteran fauna and provide a brief overview of their role as bio indicator of any change and their management.