Assessment of yield losses in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) due to arthropod pests and diseases in the Sudan savanna of Ghana
Paul B Tanzubil and Baba S Yahaya
The present study was undertaken to assess the relative abundance and extent of damage caused by the various pests and diseases attacking groundnut in the Sudan savanna zone of the country during the 2015 and 2016 cropping seasons. Selective applications of fungicides and insecticides were deployed in field experiments to assess the damage caused by the key members of the groundnut pest/disease complex namely the soil pests, foliar insects, and foliar diseases. Results showed that most treatments significantly reduced the incidence of the targeted pests and diseases, resulting in lower crop damage and higher yields. Providing full protection to the crop (T6) gave the highest mean kernel yield (mean 930 kg/ha) followed by control of soil pests (T1) and leaf spots (T4) which recorded yields 677 and 640 kg/ha respectively. Totally neglecting pest and disease control (T7) resulted in 57.3% yield reduction, while controlling soil pests (T1), foliar diseases (T4) and foliar insects (T5) reduced yield losses to 27%, 32% and 37% respectively suggesting that these are key pests that need to be controlled to guarantee profitable and sustainable groundnut production in the study area.
Paul B Tanzubil, Baba S Yahaya. Assessment of yield losses in groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) due to arthropod pests and diseases in the Sudan savanna of Ghana. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(2):1561-1564.