Bioefficacy of newer insecticides against pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) pod borers
NR Patange and B Chiranjeevi
Among various insecticides under study, rynaxypyr 18.5 SP @ 30 g a.i./ha was most effective insecticide in minimizing the larval population of pigeonpea pod borers viz., gram pod borer, plume moth and pod fly. The treatment application of rynaxypyr 18.5 SP @ 30 g a.i. per ha shown the lowest pod damage (5.59 per cent) due to pigeonpea pod borers and recorded highest gain yield of pigeonpea (7.60 q per ha). The treatment application of profenofos + DDVP @ 2ml + 0.5 ml per lit and rynaxypyr 18.5 SP @ 30 g a.i. per ha recorded highest increase in yield over control i.e. 3.62 and 3.63 q per ha as well as maximum cost benefit ratio of 1:1.75 and 1:1.72. The results indicated that rynaxypyr 18.5 SP was more effective against pigeonpea pod borers and reducing the pod damage with its novel properties which ultimately leads to increase in yield and highest cost benefit ratio.
NR Patange, B Chiranjeevi. Bioefficacy of newer insecticides against pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L. Millsp.) pod borers. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(3):28-31.