An experiment was conducted to evaluate the efficacy of new molecules as well as biopesticides against jassids and whiteflies of Bt cotton. Ten treatments i.e. Buperofezin 25 SC@250ml a.i.ha-1, flonicamid 50 WG (75 & 100g a.i.ha-1), fipronil 5 SC (100 & 87.5ml a.iha-1), diafenthiuron 50 WP @300g a.i. ha-1, NSKE 5%, Verticillium lacanii @ 10g lit.-1, Metarhizium anisopliae @ 10g lit-1 and check were evaluated. Seven days after spray, the maximum per cent reduction in jassids and whitefly population with a mean of 77.80; 79.13 and 81.71; 83.27 was recorded in difenthiuron 50 WP during both the years, respectively and it was statistically at par with flonicamid 50 WP@ 100g a.i. and fipronil 5 EC @ 100g a.i.ha-1. Among biopesicides, NSKE 5% gave comparatively higher per cent reduction in population of jassids and whiteflies in compare to entomopathogenic fungals. The maximum mean seed cotton yield of 3101 kgha-1 with highest net profit of Rs. 51,381 ha-1 was obtained in difenthiuron 50 WP @ 300g a.i ha-1.