Comparative toxicity of insecticides and biopesticides against predatory beetle, Menochilus sexmeculatus Fab. In laboratory
Zulfiqar Ali Ujjan, Aslam Bukero, Fida Hussain Magsi, Zakir Ali Bhutto, Asrar Mohi-Ud-Din Kashmiri, Abid Ali Soomro, Umair Qureshi, Maqsood Ahmed Chandio and Naveed Ali Channa
An experiment was carried out to determine the comparative toxicity of insecticides and bio-pesticides against Menochilus sexmaculatus Fab. in laboratory after different intervals 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hours, in the Department of Entomology, Faculty of Crop Protection, S.A.U Tando Jam during 2015. Life stages of predatory beetle treated with insecticide Curacron (Profenophos) in which egg and adult stages not survived, however, the immature stages of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar larva survived. Egg and adult stages were not survived after application of Novastar insecticide, therefore, 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th instar survived. It was observed that the highest survival was recoded in egg stage after 24 hours, after exposure of bio-pesticide Hazropattar (Tobacco extract). The highest survivor was recorded in the 4th instar followed by 3rd, 2nd and 1st instar larvae from 24 to 120 hours, respectively after exposure of bio-pesticide of Balkhi (Tobacco extract). It is concluded that insecticides i.e. Curacron and Novastar were found toxic, whereas, bio-pesticides i.e. hazropattar and Balkhi showed least toxicity against M. sexmaculatus.
Zulfiqar Ali Ujjan, Aslam Bukero, Fida Hussain Magsi, Zakir Ali Bhutto, Asrar Mohi-Ud-Din Kashmiri, Abid Ali Soomro, Umair Qureshi, Maqsood Ahmed Chandio, Naveed Ali Channa. Comparative toxicity of insecticides and biopesticides against predatory beetle, Menochilus sexmeculatus Fab. In laboratory. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(3):662-666.