Long-term dynamics of populations of quality and quantity of birds of prey in Gobustan
Anar T Mamedov and Qara T Mustafayev
Gobustan part of the territory of Azerbaijan is adopted as a separate zoogeographic land. The paper first examines the qualitative and quantitative dynamics of birds of prey at the population level. Field studies were carried out 4 times a year – in winter, spring, summer and fall at each area. Settled, arriving for reproduction, for the wintering, for the food and migrating populations of birds of prey were established, as well as the population, which were deprived of places of reproduction, and some even wintering areas, remaining only on the fly. The birds that have not been and had not been in this area. Such a study of birds at the moment and its comparison with the former information is needed to establish the prospects for the evolution of the fauna and the population of a particular taxon. The information is original and has a relatively-chronological character, allowing setting the dynamics and perspective problem.
Anar T Mamedov, Qara T Mustafayev. Long-term dynamics of populations of quality and quantity of birds of prey in Gobustan. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(3):810-813.