Isolation, identification and occurrence of major syrphid fly species of various agricultural, horticultural, medicinal and oil seed crops in Western Uttar Pradesh
Deepak Kumar, CS Prasad, Sudhir Kumar and Rajendra Singh
The present investigation were undertaken with object of isolation, identification and occurrence of major syrphid fly species of various agricultural, horticultural, medicinal and oil seed crops in Western Uttar Pradeshwas carried outduring June, 2011 to May, 2012 at CRC and Bio-control laboratory, S.V.P. University of Agriculture and Technology, Meerut. Eighteen of predatory Syrphid flies were recorded during survey period, out of them 12 species with three families were identified i.e. Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer), Ischiodon scutellaris (Linnaeus), Eristalis taphicus (Wiedemann), Paragus spp., Eristalis taeniops, Melanostoma spp., Anthomyidae, Muscidae, Eupeodes confrater (Wiedemann), Eristalis tenax (Linnaeus), Syrphus spp., Eristalis obscurirarsis de Meijere, Eristalis spp., Bombylidae, Allobaccha spp. on the other hand three species were unidentified. Eristalis balteatus ranked first (22.73%) in position by registering maximum 4147 number of syrphid fly in a year and it was recorded as dominant species. It was followed by Ischiodon scutellaris (7.78%) and Eristalis taphicus (7.72%). While, least population Syrphus spp. (2.12%), followed by Eristalis tenax (3.06%) and Eupeodes confrater (3.58%) were noticed in Meerut region.
Deepak Kumar, CS Prasad, Sudhir Kumar, Rajendra Singh. Isolation, identification and occurrence of major syrphid fly species of various agricultural, horticultural, medicinal and oil seed crops in Western Uttar Pradesh. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(3):844-850.