Bundelkhand Region: A promising breeding area for vultures (Gyps species)
Ruby Yadav, Adesh Kumar and Amita Kanaujia
Breeding habitat plays a vital role for the survival of individual bird. Gyps vulture breeds in colony. They are slow breeding birds; they mature at the age of five years and lay maximum one egg per year. The aim of this study was to locate the promising breeding sites of Gyps species of vultures in some of the areas of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh which belong to Bundelkhand region. This region is prosperous with vulture’s population and species diversity, due to availability of nesting trees, cliffs and Monument. The study was carried out from September 2015 to December 2016. The study revealed the presence of total 30 breeding sites from Bundelkhand region. Maximum number of breeding sites found in Shivpuri (8) followed by Panna Tiger Reserve (7), Tikamgarh (Orcha-5), Lalitpur (1), Madhav National Park (6), Karaira Sanctuary (1), Jhansi (2).