The aim of this review paper was to assess the toxicological impacts of Chromium in fish. Chromium apart from being an important metal presents a substantial threat to aquatic life. It destabilizes the ecosystem due to their toxic impact on biota and bioaccumulation in certain organisms. Occurrence of chromium varies in fishes, depending upon their age, development as well as other physiological variables. It also produced cytotoxicity and detrimental impact on behavior of fish such as hypertrophy and paraplegia at gill epithelium, uneven swimming and suspended feeding. Various research studies indicated adverse effects of chromium in fish at hematological level like anemia, thrombocytopenia, decrease in hemoglobin and total erythrocytes count. At bio-chemical level, mostly decline in the contents of glycogen, lipids and proteins was observed. The review paper will be helpful for scientific community in restoring the chromium contaminated water bodies.