Histomorphological and micrometrical studies on the proventriculus of Kadaknath fowl
Sukanta Das, Balwinder Singh Dhote, GK Singh and Snehangsu Sinha
The study was conducted on 24 Kadaknath breed of fowl divided into four groups with 6 birds in each age group they were day old, 7 days, 28 days and 112 days old respectively. The present investigation about the histomorphological and micrometrical study of the proventriculus of the kadaknath fowl revealed that the tunica mucosa was composed of various long mucosal folds of varying height lined by tall columnar epithelium. The shape of the proventricular glands were oval, round or elongated. Glands were supported by connective tissue septa composed of collagen, reticular and few elastic fibers. Serosa was composed of connective tissue, blood vessels and outer peritoneal coat. The micrometrical readings of different layers revealed that the thickness of the different layers were maximum in 112 days old whereas it was minimum in 0 day old birds. Micrometry of epithelial cell and nucleus diameter reveals that there is very less variation in height, width and diameter with the advancement of age