Study on growth and survival rate of (Nandus nandus; Hamilton 1822) Spawn on some selected supplemental feeds in cistern condition
S Sharmin, DR Das, Md. Abdul Halim and MG Sarwer
The present study was observed to determine the effect of different foods on growth and survival rate of Nandusnandus spawn in cistern condition. Feeding experiments were conducted for 20 days in 12 cisterns (each cistern 2.45×1.5×0.7 m3) with three replication and four treatments T1 (zooplankton), T2 (artemia), T3 (tubifex), and T4 (nursery brand feed) respectively. It was observed that the growth of Nandusnandus spawn were varied significantly (P<0.05) with different feeds. The best growth was shown by Nandusnandus spawn fed T1. The poorest growth rate was given by Nandusnandus spawn fed with T4 containing (protein-34.88%, lipid-15.99%, ash-17.43%, moisture-10.66%). Other two treatments T2 and T3 showed more or less same result. There was no significant difference in survival rates of spawn fed with live food and prepared feed. Specific growth rate and % weight gain were also best in case of T1. Different water quality parameters were more or less same in different treatments.
S Sharmin, DR Das, Md. Abdul Halim, MG Sarwer. Study on growth and survival rate of (Nandus nandus; Hamilton 1822) Spawn on some selected supplemental feeds in cistern condition. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(3):1733-1736.