Abundance and check list of available Conus species in Thoothukudi of southeast coast of India
Ravi Gugulothu, B Raveender, Tarang Kumar Shah and B Koteswar
A detailed study was undertaken on the biodiversity of Conus species in Gulf of Mannar coast from September 2011 to July 2012. In addition, various biodiversity indices were estimated using PRIMER V6 software. The poisonous gland was separated and its radular structure was explained. A total of 16 Conus species were recorded from three different stations of Gulf of Mannar belonging to the single genus Conus. Therespuram representing the highest number of species (201) followed by Keelakarai and Vembar. The catch of Conus species was very high in Pre-monsoon and summer. The species diversity was highest in Therespuram whereas lowest diversity found from Vembar stations, while Keelakarai station represents moderately. The highest Margalef species richness (d) was estimated in Keelakarai station with eight species and the lowest d’ value found in Vembar with five species. Compared with three stations the species evenness was highest in Therespuram and lowest was observed from Vembar station. Bray-Curtis similarity observed that pre-monsoon has representing highest similarity from all three stations of Gulf of Mannar. Therespuram and Vembar showed that highest similarity in pre-monsoon and monsoon seasons. Through the study it could be concluded that Gulf of Mannar region has rich Conus diversity and the cone, Conus betulinus has neuromodulatory property.
Ravi Gugulothu, B Raveender, Tarang Kumar Shah, B Koteswar. Abundance and check list of available Conus species in Thoothukudi of southeast coast of India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(4):16-26.