A comparative study on awareness about sericulture among Assamese and English medium secondary school students in Jorhat district of Assam, India
K Ghosh and M Saikia
The present study was undertaken to find out the awareness about sericulture among Assamese and English medium secondary school students in Jorhat district of Assam during 2015-16. Awareness about sericulture among Assamese and English medium secondary school students was found significant at 0.01 level (the ‘Z’ ratio is 467.01); but, in case of awareness about sericulture between Assamese and English medium secondary school male students belong to rural settlement was found not significant (the ‘Z’ ratio is 0.46; not significant at 0.05 level). In the same way, significant difference was not found in case of awareness about sericulture between Assamese and English medium secondary school female students belong to rural settlement (the ‘Z’ ratio is 0.04; not significant at 0.05 level). Co-efficient of correlation between awareness about sericulture and socio-economic status of the students was found low and negative (-0.005). On the otherhand, co-efficient of correlation between awareness about sericulture and academic achievement of the students was found low and positive (0.003).
K Ghosh, M Saikia. A comparative study on awareness about sericulture among Assamese and English medium secondary school students in Jorhat district of Assam, India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(4):520-523.