Characterization of epidemiological factors for the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) population and tomato leaf curl virus disease (TLCVD) incidence on tomato genotypes in Faisalabad, Pakistan
Sohail Haider, Muhammad Aslam Khan and Muhammad Jahanzaib
Relationship of epidemiological factors among whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) population and tomato leaf curl virus disease (TLCVD) incidence was studied on six tomato varieties. Epidemiological factors have significant role for the development of whitefly and TLCVD incidence during 2016. Temperature (maximum and minimum) had positively significant relationship for whitefly population and disease incidence. With increase in maximum temperature whitefly population showed 77-99% variability while with minimum temperature it was 66-99% variability. TLCVD incidence showed 84-96% variability with minimum temperature while 86-96% with maximum temperature. Relative humidity had negatively significant relationship with whitefly population and disease incidence. With increase in relative humidity whitefly population and TLCVD incidence decreased. Relative humidity showed 75-96% and 83-93% variability in case of whitefly population and disease incidence respectively. Wind speed and rainfall have very poor relationship with vector population and disease incidence.
Sohail Haider, Muhammad Aslam Khan, Muhammad Jahanzaib. Characterization of epidemiological factors for the whitefly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) population and tomato leaf curl virus disease (TLCVD) incidence on tomato genotypes in Faisalabad, Pakistan. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(4):747-752.