Livestock marketing in Assam - purpose and effect of seasonal variation
Rupam Bhattacharjya, Jitendra Saharia, Ranajit Roychoudhury, Adib Haque, Mukul Chandra Borah, Manindra Nath Ray and Minesswar Hazarika
An investigation was undertaken to ascertainlivestock marketing in Assam- purpose and effect of seasonal variation. For systematically conducting the research work a preliminary survey was undertaken by the researcher throughout the entire state in order to have an idea about livestock marketing. Besides this secondary data were also collected from different sources and a comprehensive list of livestock markets in Assam was prepared, which included a total of twenty six livestock markets. From these twenty six markets, thirteen markets were randomly selected for the present study. From each market a total of 40 respondents were selected to make the sample size 520. The purpose of livestock marketing in Assam is exclusively socio-economic. 58.07 per cent of farmers used to sell their animals at times when there is urgent need of money. Further need of money during festivals, fear about sickness and natural calamities like flood and draught etc were also the factors for sale of animals. A major portion of animals purchased by buyers (40.00 %) were solely meant for meat purpose and a small portion for agricultural, selling to other customer or for sacrificing purpose. In Assam, majority of the animals were marketed during winter season followed by autumn and spring seasons. The summer season happened to be the lowest marketing season.