Butterfly diversity at Guindy National Park in Metropolitan City of Chennai Tamil Nadu South India
D Evangeline and S Santhi
The present investigation conducted to study the Butterfly Diversity at Guindy National Park in Metropolitan City of Chennai, Tamil Nadu, South India from February 2016 to July 2016. A total 90 species of butterflies were identified belonging to 5 families and 16 sub families were recorded with eleven species of host plants. The highest numbers of species were documented in family Lycaenidae (27 species), followed by Nymphalidae (26 species), Pieridae (17 species), Hesperiidae (10 species) and Papilioniae (10 species). The butterfly’s status was categorized as Common (C), Occasional (O), Rare (R) and Very rare (VR). Month wise diversity of butterflies was estimated using Shannon Weiner Index (3.054), Simpson Index (9.9637) and Species Richness (73) which showed maximum diversity in the month of July. Among the 90 species observed seven species of butterflies are listed as scheduled species under Indian Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972.
D Evangeline, S Santhi. Butterfly diversity at Guindy National Park in Metropolitan City of Chennai Tamil Nadu South India. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(4):1361-1368.