Screening of different germplasm/varieties against H. armigera in chickpea
Vikrant, S Dharm Raj, K Akshay, S Sanjeev and Y Gajendra Pal Singh
The study was carried out to evaluate some bio-efficacy insecticides against H. armigera in chickpea during rabi 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 at Students' Instructional Farm (SIF) of Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture and Technology Kanpur. The fifty genotypes/cultivars of chickpea were screened against H. armigera. Among all the genotypes/cultivars the lowest (4.50% 1st and 4.00% in 2nd year) pod damage was recorded in Avrodhi variety, whereas HC- 3 genotype recorded the highest (24.00% 1st and 23.00% in 2nd year) pod damage in chickpea. Only one variety Avrodhi in all cultivar was estimated highly resistant to chickpea with rating scale-2 as well as the higher grain yield (38.33 q/ha 1st and 38.50 in 2nd year) was recorded from this cultivar. Further, the rating scale of HC-3 genotype was 8. The HC-3 genotype was found highly susceptible and also gave lowest grain yield (11.00 q/ha 1st and 12.00 in 2nd year).
Vikrant, S Dharm Raj, K Akshay, S Sanjeev, Y Gajendra Pal Singh. Screening of different germplasm/varieties against H. armigera in chickpea. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(4):1671-1675.