Biodiversity and conservation of two important wetlands of River Satluj with special reference to avifauna
Qazi Adnan Ahmad, Muhammad Ali, Rehana Iqbal, Farhat Jabeen, Muhammad Abrar, Shamsa Altaf and Aneeqa Naz
The primary aim of this study was to find the avian diversity along river Satluj. This study period ranges from 2015-2017 about 180 kilometer long stretch of Satluj River. The study was conducted at two barrages of river namely Islam Barrage (District Bahawalpur) and Panjnad Barrage (District Muzaffargarh). Surveys were done during dawn (5:00 am to 7:00 am) and dusk (17:00 pm - 19:00 pm) hours and it can be said that River Satluj, supports a good number of bird species whether migratory or resident. Total avian species recorded from were 146 and 152 from SA 1 and SA 2 respectively. The five most dominant species were Egreta garzeta, Passer domesticus, Bubulcus ibis, Corvus splendens, Aythya ferina. In the future, proper management plans and strategies in the study area will not only increase the number of resident avian species but will also enhance the migratory and vagrant bird species. This report is first in its kind on the avifauna of this study area.
Qazi Adnan Ahmad, Muhammad Ali, Rehana Iqbal, Farhat Jabeen, Muhammad Abrar, Shamsa Altaf, Aneeqa Naz. Biodiversity and conservation of two important wetlands of River Satluj with special reference to avifauna. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(4):1681-1683.