Nano-insecticidal formulations from essential oil (Ocimum sanctum) and fabricated in filter paper on adult of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus
M Ramar, P Manonmani, P Arumugam, S Kamala Kannan, R Raskin Erusan, N Baskaran and K Murugan
The present study was contacted to prepared novel nanoemulsion formulations (NEFs) from the essential oil (Ocimum sanctum) as a nano-insecticidal formulation with different ratios of emulsifier, Stabilizer and water. The activities of knock down and adulticidal effect of the formulated nanoemulsion formulations was evaluated against Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus. The oil in water (o/w) emulsions was prepared using with oil, emulsifier, Stabilizer and water. The larger droplet size decreased into a smaller size with increase in the concentration of emulsifier. The viscosity and thickness of the nanoemulsion decreased with increasing of concentration of emulsifier. Knock down (%) and KD50 and KD90 of the nanoemulsions against Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus more effectwas recordedfor F2 36.4±1.73, 48.2±2.64, 67.5±3.23, 85.4±1.45 and 98.2±3.43; and 42.3±2.73, 59.3±1.65, 78.4±0.14, 92.6±3.85 and 100±0.00 respectively. Also, KD50 and KD 90 values were noticed for F2 7.01 and 29.94; 4.05 and 20.88, respectively. The adult mortality was recorded on A. aegypti and C. quinquefaciatusin F2 17.5±0.75, 22.5±1.25, 33.7±0.87, 52.5±1.50 and 71.2±1.25; 23.7±1.125, 30.2±1.25, 43.7±0.37, 61.2±2.185 and 82.5±1.75, respectively. The LD50 and LD90 values were observed in F2 28.60 and 69.82; 20.09 and 57.13, respectively. According to Knock down (1 h) and mortality (24 h) level, this nanoemulsion was showed potential insecticidal agent against Aedes aegypti and C. quinquefaciatus adult. The present study permitted the development of low-cost eco-friendly green Insecticidal nanoformulations with potential adulticidal activity, using a nano-technology based approach.
M Ramar, P Manonmani, P Arumugam, S Kamala Kannan, R Raskin Erusan, N Baskaran, K Murugan. Nano-insecticidal formulations from essential oil (Ocimum sanctum) and fabricated in filter paper on adult of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus . J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(4):1769-1774.