Comparative study of physical properties and bacterial contamination between local and imported straws frozen semen
Sadeq J Zalzala, Kreem I ALBadry, Ban N Nadhom, Ahmed Abd-samad, Ahmed S Shaker and Israa A
Objective of study to display the differences between the some semen characteristics of imported and frozen of artificial insemination center-Iraqi straws and evaluate the bacterial contamination in these are straws. This study was carried out on two types of frozen semen straws samples storage in liquid nitrogen: Frozen bull semen straws samples imported from, Holland, Germany and U.S.A. ( from local market in Iraq) and Frozen bull semen straws samples production from three Holstein bulls used in artificial insemination center of Abou-Ghareeb western of Baghdad. After 48 hours of storage, thawing is achieved by placing the straw into a water bath at 37 ËšC for 30 seconds, then straw was cut from both sides and the first drop of semen was excluded while the second drop was evaluated for the percentages of motility, dead, abnormalities and concentration of sperms in each straws. In addition to bacteriological evaluation whether counting, isolation. Results revealed that the average individual motility percentage of sperm was significantly different between all straws which production from or imported. Also individual motility percentage of sperm for straws more significantly ð‘ƒ<0.05 thanstraws imported from Holland, Germany and U.S.A, and individual motility percentage of sperm in straws imported from for Holland increase significantly ð‘ƒ<0.05 than Germany and U.S.A. The percentage of dead sperms for U.S.A straws and Germany straws different significantly ð‘ƒ<0.05 compared with Holland straws and all straws which production from all bulls for Present study arise that percentage of abnormalities sperms for U.S.A straws different significantly ð‘ƒ<0.05 compared with Germany, Holland straws. In addition to individual variation ð‘ƒ<0.05 in abnormality sperms for straws which production from, in spite of recorded lowest percentage of abnormal sperms for straws compared with all imported straws. Concentration of sperms for straws for all bulls more significantly ð‘ƒ<0.05 than imported straws. Present study revealed that no isolated any bacteria from straws production locally whereas found in imported straws specimens were Streptococcus faecalis (16.6%) and Staphylococcus aureus (33.3%) and some gram negative bacteria proteus spp. (8.3%). Also there were mixed isolates (Klebsiella spp. and Escherichia coli) 33.3%, (Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli) 8.3%.
Sadeq J Zalzala, Kreem I ALBadry, Ban N Nadhom, Ahmed Abd-samad, Ahmed S Shaker, Israa A. Comparative study of physical properties and bacterial contamination between local and imported straws frozen semen. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(4):1969-1973.