Plague entomological and rodent surveillance in West and Northeast of Iran
Maryam Hosseini, Ehsan Mostafavi, Mohammad Mehdi Sedaghat, Ali Mohammadi, Kourosh Arzamani and Mohammad Ali Oshaghi
The present study was performed to assess the infection of rodent reservoirs and their fleas to plaque agent (Yersinia pestis) in Kurdistan and North Khorasan respectively as active endemic and inactive non-endemic foci in the country. Live traps were used to collect rodents in spring and summer 2015. Totally, 109 rodents were trapped. Rodents of genus Apodemus witherbyi (40.5%) were the most abundant species in Kurdistan whereas Meriones persicus was the only species found in North Khorasan. Meriones spp constituted 12% of the trapped rodents in Kurdistan. 105 fleas were collected, of which 53(50.5%) were Xenopsyllabuxtoni. The results of assays of rodent and flea specimens were negative for plague agent. Since rodents of Meriones spp and Apodemus spp and fleas of Xenopsylla spp in turn are the known reservoirs and vectors for plague in Iran, there is a real potential for the reemerging of plague disease in the studied areas.
Maryam Hosseini, Ehsan Mostafavi, Mohammad Mehdi Sedaghat, Ali Mohammadi, Kourosh Arzamani, Mohammad Ali Oshaghi. Plague entomological and rodent surveillance in West and Northeast of Iran. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(5):301-306.