Study of spreading, dynamics of flying, attack and predominance of flies of the family Muscidae (Diptera, Insecta) in Cattle at livestock farms of Kyiv and Rivne Regions of Ukraine
Anatolii M Shevchenko and Raissa O Slobodian
The present investigation was conducted to study the spreading, dynamics of flying, attack and predominance of flies of the family Muscidae (Diptera, Insecta) in cattle at livestock farms of Kyiv and Rivne regions of Ukraine during September-October, 2011. Species such as Lyperosia spp., Stomoxys spp. (stable flies), Musca autumnalis (face fly), M. larvipara and flies of the family Calliphoridae (blow flies) were parasitizing on cattle in September. Genus Lyperosiа was adominant flies species of cows in pasture;the highest prevalence infection was up to 94%. The highest quantity of flies (II was 89.7±24.13 insects in average) fixed at 7 am, with peak of their activity at 4 pm (on the abdominal area around the udder of cows). Since 6 pm till 9 pm at artificial lighting was found by 77.59% more flies on cows in comparison with those in premises. The dominant species of flies in livestock premises of Rivne region was Stomoxys spp.. Tendency of their activity, the flying and attack on animals was continuing to the peak at 5 pm (II was 29.85±1.94 insects/animal in average). A highest quantity of flies was registered at 7 am (early morning), and 9 pm (late evening) on cows on the front legs of the metacarpal bones with the highest indexes of 53.52 and 52.59%, respectively; the lowest quantity of those, in the abdominal area and sacrum at 7 am and 5 pm were from 6.57 to 23.45%, respectively.
Anatolii M Shevchenko, Raissa O Slobodian. Study of spreading, dynamics of flying, attack and predominance of flies of the family Muscidae (Diptera, Insecta) in Cattle at livestock farms of Kyiv and Rivne Regions of Ukraine. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(5):349-355.