Efficacy of various botanicals and chemicals on ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor feeding on European honey bee, Apis mellifera
Kawsar Rasool, Ishtiyaq Ahad and Rozy Rasool
The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the chemicals (Formic acid, Oxalic acid and Taufluvalinate) and botanicals (Artemesia annua, Matricaria chamomilla, Juglans regia and mixture A. annua + M. chamomilla + J. regia) under Complete Randomised Block Design (RCBD) for management of V. destructor during 2016 at Faculty of Agriculture, Wadura SKUAST-Kashmir. The results revealed that among chemicals, Taufluvalinate (2 strips per colony) was found highly effective against the V. destructor mite followed by Formic acid 85% @ 2 ml per colony but in case of botanicals green leaf extract mixture @ 150ml/colony was found highly effective against Varroa mite followed by M. chamomilla. The order of efficacy of treatments was Taufluvalinate (78.93%) > Formic acid (74.83%) > Oxalic acid (72.16 %) > GLE mixture (67.10 %) > M. chamomilla (63.83%) > A. annua (61.87%) > J. regia (58.34 %). Bio leaf extracts need to be integrated in such a way that there may be no hazard to the bees, moreover further studies on these extracts need to be explored.
Kawsar Rasool, Ishtiyaq Ahad, Rozy Rasool. Efficacy of various botanicals and chemicals on ectoparasitic mite, Varroa destructor feeding on European honey bee, Apis mellifera. J Entomol Zool Stud 2017;5(5):589-595.